Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Perks to Being Quiet

          This past week I have been thinking a lot about how there are different types of people.  I think in today’s society the people who are extroverts are highlighted.  Some people are really loud, while others are more reserved.  People who tend to be louder seem to sometimes think that not being as loud is problem, but actually there a lot of good things that come out of being reserved.  As my mom says if everyone was loud who would be there to listen.  I’m not saying that being loud is a bad thing because it’s not.
A lot of people seem to believe that quiet people cannot be leaders, but this not true.  Quiet people are leaders through action. Leaders who have been described as quiet include Eleanor Roosevelt, and Rosa Parks.  The people who inspire me the most take action. These three people took  a lot of action and made big changes.  Quiet people tend to know the most about what is going on.  Some of the most involved people on my campus are the quietest.  They always know what events are going on and they are happy to share their organization with you.   Quiet people tend to have a good sense of people and people’s personalities.
      Quiet people are the best listeners.  By being a good listener they are able to gain knowledge and insight from others.  I also think that people who are quieter tend to understand different people’s perspectives.  I always think it is funny when people are talking about their opinions and they assume that I have the same opinion because I was just listening to their opinion.  They know how to listen to you when you have a problem and can be the friend that is there when you just need to vent and do not want to hear anyone’s opinion.   They can also read situations really well they can tell if you are having a bad day or a great day just by looking at you.  People who are quiet tend to think through their actions before they react to something.  They are often the most thoughtful in a situation.  This can be very helpful when put in a leadership role.  Leaders need to be able to respond to situations appropriately.  People who are quieter tend to get people’s attention when they voice their opinion.  They typically do not voice their opinion often, so people listen when they say it.    

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