Saturday, October 12, 2013

Being Busy and Appreciating the Little things in Life

       My life lately has been insanely busy.  I am never board, but sometimes being busy can get pretty stressful.  A trick I have learned in my life is to appreciate the little things that happen each day that make you smile.  This keeps you going when you are stressed out. 

I am going to share some things that make me smile.

·         Every day one of the girls in my dorm writes a positive quote on her white board on her door.  I look forward to it every day.  Her quotes always get me thinking. 

·         When I get mail form the mail room I feel like a million bucks.  I love to write letters and when someone took time out of their day to write a letter to me it makes me feel really special.

·          Another thing that makes me smile is when the dining hall has my favorite meal, which is mac and cheese.

·         One of my friends sends me a text every morning telling me to have a good day.  This always brightens my day in the morning. 

·         Right now it is fall which is my favorite season.  I love to watch the leaves change, it’s so beautiful.

·         Watching my favorite TV show

·         When I hear my favorite song on the radio

·         When someone tells me a story that makes me giggle

·         When people use smiley faces in text messages

·         When people tell you how much you mean to them

·         When friends give me hugs

·         Making collages that describe people’s personalities

·         Coloring

·         When someone saves a seat for you

·         When the weather is just right

·         When you have a really sunny day after a really cloudy day

·         When my whole family is all together

·         Going into something expecting to hate it, but end up loving it

·         Running and the feeling you get after it

·         When little kids say funny things and they don’t even mean to

·         When you wear cute clothes

·         My dog

·         When someone gives me a complement

·         The face you make when you see one of your best friends


I asked some of my friends what where the things that make them happy in life.  This is what they said:

·         Being around family

·         Hiking

·         Going for a drive

·         Working at their job

·         Hanging out with friends

·         Stargazing

·         Their cat

·         Success

·         Health

·         Chocolate

·         Music  

I guess we all have things that make us happy in life.  They may be big or small, but they keep us grounded.



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