Sunday, March 29, 2015

22 Things I Learned 22

1. Don’t be afraid to be yourself the people that matter will stick by you
2.    Alone time is ok you don’t have to social every minute
3.    Study hard it will pay off
4.    Working during breaks will teach you so much
5.    Work out – it helps with everything
6.    Take small risks
7.    When you are really interested in something don’t be afraid to totally nerd out
8.    Read a lot – books have so much to teach you
9.    Dance whenever you feel like it
10. Don’t be afraid to give people a second chance
11. Let those close to you know how much they mean to you
12. Write letters – people have so much to teach you
13. When you listen you learn so much
14. Sometimes you should stand up for what you believe in, but choose your battles
15. Children make you see the world in a new way
16. Wake up with a smile on your face
17.  Even though you may not see some friends everyday they still mean the world to you
18. Loss is hard
19. Driving is not as scary as I thought it was – plus it gives you a lot of independence
20. A little boy can make you see teaching in a new way
21. The important moments are usually the little moments

22. Love life