Friday, December 19, 2014

My Grandma and McCallie

          I know it has been a while since I have written, sorry this past semester was super busy.  I spent a ton of time in the classroom this semester doing field work and studying.  Now I am at home enjoying my break with my family.  I am feeling really grateful for my family.  My brother is coming home in four days after being away for a while.  I am really excited to see him.  My grandma had surgery today.  She has been on my mind a lot lately.  She is a daily inspiration to me.
            My grandma has not had an easy life, but somehow each day she wakes up each day and finds beauty in everything.  Every time I talk to her on the phone she makes me smile.  She makes me feel so special each time I talk to her.  She is a very giving person.  She collects soda tabs for St. Jude.  She came for both my graduation and my brothers, which is a big deal because she lives in California, so it is a journey to get here.  She has taught me what is truly important in life.

            The other big event in my life is that my family got a puppy.  Her name is McCallie and she is full of sass.  I love her so much.  She greets me each morning.  She loves to cuddle and be held, but she also likes to chew on things.  I was upset when I found that she had chewed a whole into my PJs the other day.  My new strategy is to give her a toy when she is on my lap, so I do not become the chew toy.  She is very smart, but I might be a little biased.   My dad taught her how to high five.  It is so cute!   She also knows how to roll over.  She has brought my family so much joy.   I can’t wait to see my brother meet her.