Monday, September 7, 2015


Some might say I have a shoe obsession, but I have learned over the years that shoes serve different purposes.   In life you have different activities you have to do and with each activity come a pair of shoes.
My Shoes:
·         Black ballet flats – These are my professional shoes; I have never been a heels girl. 
·         Sandals – Every Friday at my job this summer we had water day.  These were a life saver. 
·         Sneakers – These are my comfiest shoes.   My family loves to hike, so I often wear these on the weekend.
·         Flip-Flops – These are also my weekend shoes.  I also wear them around the dorm.

·         Slippers – I get cold really easily, so these keep my feet toasty warm. 

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Summer Reflection

Another summer accomplished!  This one flew by!  I finished my last general requirement class, Geology.  It was a five week class which the quickest I have ever taken a class.  Next class student teaching!

            This summer I worked again with an extended school year program as a one-on-one aide.  I worked in a kindergarten through third room.   The lesson I learned this summer is to treat the classroom adults like a team.  Everyone is trying to do the best thing for the child and you need to talk to one another about your reasoning behind these ideas.  As someone who is trying to go into special education I realize that I will be working with a lot of people between the therapist and all the aides in the classroom.  Communication is key for the child to get all they need.  Through subbing for this program I have been fortunate to see different teacher’s styles.  I have realized that there will never be two teachers that have the same approach.  Each teacher is unique.  I think that each teacher brings their own personality and this contributes to their style.  Seeing so many approaches has left me with plenty of great ideas!

Monday, June 29, 2015

5 Things I Believe In

1.    Hard work pays off – My whole life I have lived by this.  Yes I have been there when you spent your whole weekend working on a project and you go to class on Monday and your teacher extends the deadline.  Think of it this way you have your afternoon off while your peers are working on the project.  One of my professor said that slackers will make it in college, but once they get into the real world it’s going to hit them.  Work ahead you will thank yourself later. 
2.    Don’t be afraid to be your self – I really like to color and some people might consider this childish, but for me it is really relaxing.  Every time I have finals I usually end up coloring for a break.  For my nineteenth birthday I got two coloring books and a huge box of crayons I could not be more excited.  For Valentine’s Day I colored each of my sorority sisters a Valentine’s picture and wrote a note to them.  They really seemed to appreciate it, so sometimes the things that make you unique make you really likeable.
3.    If you care about someone let them know - I think it really important to let people know how much they mean to you.  I text some my friends every day and let them know how much they mean to me.   This is something that I feel is getting lost in our society and being told that you mean something someone is a real confidence boost.
4.    Alone time is a good thing – When I first started college I wanted to be with people all the time as I have gotten older I have realized that being alone is sometimes nice.  After a long day it is really nice to sit down and read a book in a quiet place.
5.    Work on Your Weaknesses – If you try to avoid your weaknesses you are never going to get better at them. Face them head on.  When I was younger I would run away from my weaknesses, but in the end I would save time if I just dealt with them. 

Sunday, June 21, 2015

My Favorite Present

My favorite present that I have received is a boom box.  This was my introduction to music.  That Christmas I had asked for several CDs.  After that Christmas I was hooked on music.  Since I was four years old I had been taking dance classes, so music already; played a role in my life.  Through my pre-teen years I would spend hours in my room creating dances to my favorite songs.  Whenever I am stressed out I like to make up dances I always feel better after.  Where my music is played has changed over time, but my love for it has never wavered. 

Wednesday, June 17, 2015


In October my family got a new puppy. I do not remember the puppy days with our previous dog. She passed away last summer. I was only nine when we got her.

As I said previously I work with kids a lot, but not so much babies. Watching a puppy during her first couple months of life has been a learning experience for me. The day my parents brought her home she hid under a desk. I first met her on Thanksgiving break. She was so little and loved to be heled. I played with her a bunch over Christmas break, but the real bonding began this summer. I work during the day and the first few days home she would guard the door not wanting me to leave. This made me feel guilty. Eventually she figured out that I came home each afternoon. After my job we go for a walk.

We just got back from a vacation where she swam for the first time. I was so proud of her. She used to avoid water like the plague. On the afternoon walks we would take her to a stream to warm her up to water. She was so funny in the sand she loved to dig holes and put her head in it.

I am so thankful my family got her. She is the sassiest dog I know. She makes me smile every day

Saturday, May 16, 2015

5 songs I’ll listen to for the rest of my life

1.    The Climb
a.    This song means so much to me!  I have had to work hard to get where I am today.  I have had people tell me I can’t, but I have proven them wrong.  The speaker at my high school graduation talked about how sometimes in life you will get knocked down in life, but you have to just get back up.  Each time in college when a test didn’t go well or I had a struggle I thought about this.  I think this song has this message.  This song also talks about how you have to enjoy the journey while getting to your destination.
2.    The Best Day
a.    This song describes my mom and my relationship to a tee.  She is my rock and I do not know where I would be without her.  Sometimes when I get stressed out I put on this song and it calms me down thinking about my mom. 
3.    At the Beginning
a.    I love this song.  It talks about transitions in life and I am in that period in my life where there are a lot of transitions.  You never know who you will meet and who will have a big impact on your life.
4.    Same Love
a.    This song talks about something that I am passionate about.  I believe one day my children will ask about what it was like not to have gay marriage legal.
5.    Let It Go

a.      This song reminds me to not care what people say and to be true to myself.  People my age are constantly criticizing each other.  This song is a true reminder to not listen to them.  I had a wonderful friend my freshman year of college that taught me this and this song always reminds me of her. 

Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Dear Little,
I hope all your dreams come true.  Sometimes life has a way of creating dreams that we did not know existed.  You have so much to offer the world.  Always keep your beautiful smile.   Being your big has been so amazing and it will be something that I always remember about college. It has been so great to watch you grow as a person.   I’m so glad that you embraced our pirate family.  Thank you for never judging me.  I really think it was fate that made us big and little.  I mean what were the odds that we had class together as freshmen and lived in the same dorm.  I will never forget the fabulous sign you put on my door freshman year for my birthday.  It was pretty impressive you got it up without me knowing.   You are obsessed with the same tv shows as me, so I will be texting you next year to get your opinions, but remember you don’t watch detective shows right before you go to sleep.    You are going to have a wonderful life with your future hubby.  He’s a great guy and he has a good sense of humor.  You’re going to be a great mom.   My biggest wish for you is that you are happy.

You’re big 

Sunday, March 29, 2015

22 Things I Learned 22

1. Don’t be afraid to be yourself the people that matter will stick by you
2.    Alone time is ok you don’t have to social every minute
3.    Study hard it will pay off
4.    Working during breaks will teach you so much
5.    Work out – it helps with everything
6.    Take small risks
7.    When you are really interested in something don’t be afraid to totally nerd out
8.    Read a lot – books have so much to teach you
9.    Dance whenever you feel like it
10. Don’t be afraid to give people a second chance
11. Let those close to you know how much they mean to you
12. Write letters – people have so much to teach you
13. When you listen you learn so much
14. Sometimes you should stand up for what you believe in, but choose your battles
15. Children make you see the world in a new way
16. Wake up with a smile on your face
17.  Even though you may not see some friends everyday they still mean the world to you
18. Loss is hard
19. Driving is not as scary as I thought it was – plus it gives you a lot of independence
20. A little boy can make you see teaching in a new way
21. The important moments are usually the little moments

22. Love life 

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Growing Up

You know when you were a kid and someone asks you what you want to be when you grow up.  The thing you don’t think about is paying rent and paying for car insurance.  This week I had to get a new car battery and faced some of the realities of adult life.  At the car place they called me mam.  That was weird.  When I go to schools for field work they often mistake me for a student.    

            There are perks to being an adult though.  You can hop in the car and go to the library when you want to and yes I am a nerd.   You can work a job and make your own money.   I love my job and honestly it probably is where I am happiest.  You get to have deep friendships that mean the world to you.   Some of these friendships will turn into heartbreaks, but other amazing friends will be there to help you through that time.